Tuesday, 10 July 2012

How We Can Help The Handicapped

There is no equality in the world of human beings. Some are more fortunate, others are less. Most of the children are born normal in every respect. But the number of the handicapped children is also very large in every state and society. Those who are blind, polio-victims or mentally retarded come in the category of the handicapped. Then there also are others who become permanently disabled as a result of an accident on the road or at the farm or in the factories. It becomes our moral duty to help them in a way we can. It is a sin to neglect them or look down upon them. It is our moral duty to help them. What is the best type of help that we can give ? Well, giving them alms will not do. We should give them some training so that they are able to earn their livelihood independently. The Government is doing a lot for them now- a- days. 

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