Friday, 13 July 2012

Problem of Slums in Our Cities

In the last century, we saw many new towns and cities coming up in every country. The process of urbanization went on at a very fast pace. Millions of people migrated to towns and cities from villages. This migration of population gave birth to many unplanned settlements. They rose up as slums. In India every big city has almost one third of its population living in slums. Millions of people are living in subhuman conditions in slums. They don’t have even basic civic facilities. They use open spaces near them as public latrines. Nor do they get pure potable water. Narrow lanes and unplanned houses have no provision for fresh air and sunlight. There is no privacy among the inhabitants.
Life in slums becomes unbearable during the rainy season. Rains and floods make them living hells. Tropical diseases like malaria, fever and dehydration take a heavy toll of human lives, particularly, of children. Unfortunately, slums are mushrooming unabated. Municipal corporations have closed their eyes towards their problems. Politicians visit them only once in five years nears the elections. No one cares to make these little hells suitable for human habitation.

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